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Want to double or triple your font collection with just a few clicks?
Add all 2,800 fonts to your computer for only 4.95!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you have Macintosh/PostScript fonts?
    Sorry, Font Paradise only specializes in TrueType fonts for Windows. We don't collect Type1 PostScript fonts and Macintosh stuff. Also, ActiveFont technology is only available for Windows 9x/2000 platforms only.

  • Some fonts have additional note, "contains N fonts". What does this mean?
    Some font archives (ZIP files) contain more than 1 font file. For example, a font archive may contain an entire family of 3 fonts, the normal, bold and italic styles of the font. Since authors usually request that their font archives be distributed in unmodified form only, Font Paradise cannot separate these fonts. However, they are listed separately in our database (all 3 styles have their own image and description). Also, ActiveFont Installer will automatically install all fonts contained in an archive if there is more than 1 font.

  • How do I use symbol and dingbat fonts?
    In general, symbol fonts are not meant for writing. This is just another format to distribute small vector images you can use in your documents. Since the image is not usually associated with a keyboard letter in a meaningful way, you need a separate program to view images contained in symbol fonts. One of these programs is Character Map that comes with Windows (under Accessories group in Start Menu/Programs (if not present you can install it under Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Windows Setup). Windows Character Map can display all images a font contains; you can select a desired image and then you'll see the keyboard shortcut to insert this image into your document. Please note that you need to change your current writing font to the symbol font you would like to insert images from. Most people find the Character Map program that comes with Windows very limited. If you need a better one, try the Font Xplorer program from Moon Software. It includes a character map that is easier to use and is much more powerful.

  • Some characters are missing!?
    Many free fonts contain only limited set of characters and ofter do not contain full set of extended characters (including international) and symbols. Inspect the font in Character Map to see what characters are present and how they are mapped (you see what key you need to press to get a symbol inserted into your document). Also, some fonts may have only upper- or lowercase characters present.

  • When I want to install a font from your site, my web browser will prompt to save it to disk. What's up?
    If you have installed ActiveFont Installer, then please launch and close it once. That will update file associations required to open font packages directly from our site without prompting. If you have no ActiveFont Installer, then please read this page.

  • The Install feature for some fonts is not available! Why?
    Authors of some fonts do not allow us to enable the Install feature for their fonts. You can download and install them manually.

  • I use the Install feature to add new fonts to my system, but my program does not show those fonts in its font list!
    Programs that enumerate installed fonts on startup only need to be restarted. Close the program, start it again and your font should be present now.

  • What fonts are used in Font Paradise logo?
    These are commercial fonts from Microgramma family (copyright 1994 by URW Software).

  • Do you know what font is used in book/movie/commercial ... ?
    Please don't ask such questions since we usually don't know the answer. We will not reply to questions like this - sorry.

  • Do you have font named ... ? I need it badly...
    Sorry, all fonts we have are listed. If you don't find it here, we don't have it. We will not reply to questions like this - sorry again...

  • How do I install a font manually?
    First, if your fonts are compressed (ZIP files), you need an uncompression program (like WinZip) to get font files out of ZIP files. Extract them to an empty folder of your choice. Then:

    1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
    2. Double-click the Fonts icon.
    3. On the File menu, click Install New Font.
    4. In the "Folders" box, select the folder that contains your font files. It will take a moment to load the font names into "List of Fonts" box.
    5. Click to select the "Copy fonts to Fonts folder" check box.
    6. In the "List of fonts" box, click the font you want. To select all of the available fonts, click Select All. To select several nonadjacent fonts, click the name of one font, and then hold down CTRL and click the name of each additional font. To select several adjacent fonts, click the name of the first font in the sequence, and then hold down SHIFT and click the name of the last font.
    7. After you have selected the fonts you want to install, click the OK button. The fonts will now appear in the Fonts folder.

    All of the fonts you installed should be now available to any program.


Font Paradise is a service of Meyer Media.
Copyright © 2007 Meyer Media.
All listed fonts are free for personal non-commercial use, see disclaimer.
Have questions? See FAQ

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